Let’s celebrate Thanksgiving and make friends!🌎😊🤝 | (株)住宅工営

Let’s celebrate Thanksgiving and make friends!🌎😊🤝


It’s not a familiar event in Japan, but yesterday we held a Thanksgiving event that we called “Let’s celebrate Thanksgiving and make friends!
(Actually, Thanksgiving Day is today.)
In the U.S. and other countries, it is a day of thanks and sacrifice for the harvest and the blessings of the previous year and is a day to celebrate with family and friends.
Many local Japanese people and foreigners who have left their families to live and work in Hachioji participated in the event.
We celebrated Thanksgiving Day with new friends and talked about “What is Thanksgiving Day? Three participants talked about Thanksgiving Day, including the differences between their respective hometowns.😊✨

At the end of the day, the participants were given pies made by Johanna from the International Operations department as gifts.
Next month, the International Office will be hosting a social Christmas party called PORTAL Night”


日本ではあまり馴染みのないイベントですが、昨日店舗で”Let’s celebrate Thanksgiving and make friends!🌎🤝😊”開催しました✨
(本当は今日がThanksgiving Day感謝祭です)



新しい友達と感謝祭をお祝い&「Thanksgiving Dayって何?」というお話も参加者の方3人からそれぞれの出身地での違いも含めて楽しくお話いただきました😊✨


来月は国際事業部主催の「クリスマス PORTAL Night」交流イベント開催予定です‼️

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